Istanbul’s Pilevneli Gallery presents Refik Anadol’s latest exhibition

Istanbul's Pilevneli Gallery is presenting media artist Refik Anadol's new solo exhibition titled "Machine Memoirs: Space," introducing a new body of works.

Located in Beyoğlu's district Dolapdere quarter, the gallery will continue to display Anadol's work till April 25.

Speaking to the state-run Anadolu Agency, Anadol said that he always brought his best ideas to Turkey.

"I have developed very meaningful relationships in all the works I have done in Istanbul for 10 years. I realize my best ideas here, such as the 'Sounds of İstiklal Street' project in 2011, 'Archive Dream' or 'Melting Memories,'" he said.

Referring to the keen interest of especially young people in digital arts, Anadol said: "My dream as an artist was the possibility of making art for every age, every culture and every person. This is why I work with a team of 14 people who can speak 14 languages and represent 10 countries. In this sense, universality is one of my biggest concerns. But I see that especially my young friends are interested in artificial intelligence, space, big data and foreseeing new experiences of the future."

Stating that the high interest of young people of Turkey puts different responsibilities on him, Anadol said: "Within the framework of the exhibition, I dream of free workshops on artificial intelligence as much as I can. To be honest, I did not expect such interest, and I would like to turn this effect into a positive sharing. For this reason, I presented all data in open source at the exhibition. I put up screens where visitors can see the name and method of the algorithm used."

He pointed out that they included experiences spread over four floors in the exhibition, and that there are different sections that surround viewers,...

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