New details of the shooting in Novi Sad: MMA fighter killed VIDEO

As reported by the reporter of TV Prva, who talked to the locals, the citizens heard gunfire that reminded of the firing from automatic weapons, the so-called Uzi.
During the attack, U. S. (26), who was the bodyguard of G. K., who was previously known to the police, was killed.
Residents of the Detelinara settlement said that they saw a jeep entering the yard and then a firefight began.
According to the latest information, the wounded man is recovering and is stable. After the shooting, a car was found on the road to Rumenka, and the search for the attackers is in progress.
The investigation will show what was the motive for this attack. According to a TV Prva reporter, a large number of children were nearby during the shooting.
Some media reported that Uro S. is actually an MMA fighter.

Vulin had a meeting with police representatives in Novi Sad

Minister of Internal Affairs, Aleksandar Vulin, held a meeting today in the Police Administration of Novi Sad with the chiefs and heads of this police administration who are working on shedding light on the case of murder and wounding that happened in Novi Sad, Ministry of the Interior of Serbia announced.
On that occasion, Vulin pointed out that the police are working intensively on discovering the perpetrators and that significantly greater number of the members of the police will be noticed on the streets of Novi Sad. The meeting in the Police Administration of Novi Sad was also attended by the Director of the Police, Vladimir Rebi, and the Chief of the Criminal Police Administration, Bogdan Pui.

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