Bulgarian Helicopter Crew Remains Captured in Sudan

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The six Bulgarians working for the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP), who were captured by Sudanese insurgents on Monday, have still not been released.

Their release was expected on Thursday or Friday at the latest, but at present they still remain captured, private NOVA TV station reports.

A speaker of the Sudan People's Liberation Movement-North (SPLM-North), which is responsible for the capturing of the Bulgarians, announced on Thursday that their release had been negotiated.

The Bulgarian Danka Panchova, who had been captured in Somalia, said that she had also participated in humanitarian missions in Sudan.

Panchova told that the work there is dangerous, but she is convinced that the captured Bulgarians will be released in good health soon.

Pancheva expressed full confidence in the crews of Heli Air, the airline company of which the six Bulgarians are employees, as she had used their services.

In one of the instances the insurgents fired on the aircraft she was aboard, but the incident ended without casualties due to the prompt reaction of the pilots.

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