Exhibition: Australian Women's Assistance to Serbia in WWI

BELGRADE - The exhibition 'Australian Women's Assistance to Serbia in World War I' opened in the Serbian parliament on Friday and it testifies of the brave women who selflessly helped the people of Serbia in one of the most difficult periods in the country's history.

The exhibition comprising 22 photographs on display in the parliament hall was opened by Serbian Parliament Speaker Maja Gojkovic and Australian Ambassador Julia Feeney.

Gojkovic pointed out that the celebration of the centenary of the Great War which officially began last year should not go by without paying tribute to the important role women played in it.

Women like heroine Milunka Savic fought the enemy side by side with Serbian soldiers, Gojkovic recalled.

She noted that the example of brave Australian women testifies to this day of the unfailing values and ideals of humanity, freedom, justice and devotion.

The Australian ambassador said that the exhibition aims to remind the contemporary society of Serbia of the brave and devoted women of Australia.

During World War I, dozens of brave Australian female doctors, nurses and medical staff joined British and Canadian volunteers and provided the necessary humanitarian aid to the Kingdom of Serbia, Ambassador Feeney recalled.

To mark the International Women's Day and promote empowerment of women and girls, the Australian Embassy is pleased to have the honour to revive some of their stories which were mostly forgotten until now, Feeney said.

The exhibition will be open until March 17.

Photo Tanjug Video

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