Sofia Bike Relay – A Cycling Race with a Cause

On September 17, at 10:00 a.m. in front of the "V. Levski" National Stadium, the Bulgarian capital will host the second edition of the SOFIA BIKE RELAY cycling race.

SOFIA BIKE RELAY welcomes participants of different ages and levels of cycling experience.

The sporting event will be held in two stages, combining a cycling and dynamic team cycling format. The first stage is a bike ride, in which anyone can participate without a participation fee after pre-registration. Each participant in the ride must take a starting number from the "Registration" tent by 09:50 a.m. at the latest. Cyclists will complete one lap of the Sofia Bike Relay route.

The second stage is a dynamic cycling format for teams from companies from all over the country. Each team is made up of 4 people, and each participant must cover 12 km (3 laps) before passing the baton to the next team member.

The event is charitable, as thirty percent (30%) of the entry fees are donated by the organizers from SC "Begach" to a different cause every year. This year, the competition will support the "Social-emotional learning through sport" project of the "Zaedno v Chas Foundation". The project aims to integrate social-emotional skills in the sports classes of students from 1st to 12th grade.

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