Many undecided ahead of Euro election

[InΤime News]

More than one 10th of the Greek electorate remains undecided in the final stretch to Sunday's elections for the European Parliament, according to an opinion survey.

The finding, as well as questions about how many will turn out for an election that will have no immediate impact on domestic politics, injects a further dose of uncertainty in an election that, according to all polls so far, will be easily won by the ruling conservative New Democracy party.

In the latest survey by research firm Pulse, published on Friday, 10.7% of respondents said they had not decided yet how to vote.

Assured of victory, New Democracy officials still want to, at a minimum, match their result in the previous European election of May 2019 (33.12 percent) and fear that a significantly lower vote share might be an opening crack in the party's political dominance.

In the Pulse...

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