President denies request for release of minutes from crucial 2015 meeting

File photo. [InTime News]

President Katerina Sakellaropoulou has rejected a request from the minor populist party Course of Freedom (Plefsi Eleftherias) to release the minutes of a crucial meeting of political party leaders held after Greeks voted by a large margin to reject the austerity terms of an aid package from international creditors in 2015.

"The council of political leaders is an informal body whose formation and operation are not regulated by the Constitution or legislation," the president said in a release on Monday. She said that, given the nature of the body and the sensitive topics discussed in closed-door meetings, "it can be inferred that these discussions are primarily confidential."

"Whenever the Council has convened in the past, minutes have never been made public. Only a joint communique is issued," she explained.

Sakellaropoulou also remarked that "a reasonable...

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