2024 tax returns: the extension, the new deadlines and what to watch out for

The percentage of taxpayers who have filed their tax returns reached 97% by yesterday, with the new deadline set for August 2.

In total, some 6,235,000 taxpayers have already filed tax returns.

The August 2 deadline also applies to those who wish to correct their return by filing an amendment.

Taxpayers can file an amended income tax return, accompanied by Forms E2 or E3, if required.

In addition, tomorrow, July 31, is the last date for those who wish to pay the tax in one lump sum to take advantage of the 3% rebate.

Sweeping cross-checks and audits on thousands of tax returns

At the same time, extensive checks and cross-checks on hundreds of thousands of tax returns that are still being submitted today are to be carried out in the coming period by the Independent Public Revenue Authority.

The cross-checks and audits will target either randomly or because there is specific evidence and suspicions that freelancers who have declared gross income or profits below the minimum presumed income will be subject to tax evasion, property owners who declare vacant apartments or rent them for less than 12 months a year, those who show electronic receipts close to their actual income, those who have relied on capital consumption of past years to justify presumptions or asset purchases.

In any case, the IRS will also draw data from bank accounts, which it will then cross-check with the declared income not only for the current year but also for previous years.


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