Mitsotakis to students in Glyfada: Let’s make a deal—When we’re at school, phones stay in the bag

“I want us to make a deal, especially with the older kids who may already have a mobile phone. Let’s agree that while we are at school, the phone stays in the bag. Can we agree on that? Let’s agree, and let’s have parents and teachers help us with this,” said the prime minister, noting that as of this year, mobile phone use by students is banned in schools.

The prime minister had the opportunity to speak with students, teachers, and parents and was informed by the principal of the 2nd Primary School, Marousso Chanioti, about the programs the school implements, including the evaluation of educational work, which began in the 2021-22 period.

Kyriakos Mitsotakis’ Address

“My dear children, dear parents, dear teachers, Mr. Minister, Mr. Mayor,

First of all, from the bottom of my heart, I wish you all a good year, full of smiles, love for learning, and a year that will allow each of you to progress, but above all, to enjoy school and the learning process.

Mr. Mayor, I would like to congratulate you for the important work you’ve done, not just here at the 2nd Primary School but in all of Glyfada’s schools. You have proven that you are committed to investing in education infrastructure by upgrading schools, adding air conditioners – I heard a lot of applause from the children for the air conditioners – installing elevators, and building nice playgrounds that I understand are open for the neighborhood kids on weekends.

I know very well that not all schools in the country – and I want the children and parents to hear this – are like the 2nd Primary School. However, we want all schools to reach the same level of infrastructure.

Especially for the 5th and 6th graders, I know we still have some outstanding matters regarding interactive whiteboards. These boards are a major innovation, and you’ll see a completely different kind of lesson. You already have some, and the rest will arrive soon. We’ve installed 30,000 such boards across the country, with 6,000 more to be placed by the end of the year.

I don’t want to go on for too long, so I’ll just say I wish you all a great year. Congratulations to your teachers and all the education staff, your parents, and the Parent Association, which always plays an active role along with the teaching staff and the Mayor in making this school even better.

And lastly, I want to ask you for a big favor: Let’s make a deal, especially for the older kids who already have mobile phones—let’s agree that while we’re in school, the phone stays in the bag. Can we agree on that? And let’s have parents and teachers help us with this.

Thank you very much, and I wish you all a great school year.”

Pierrakakis’ Statement

Echoing the Prime Minister’s remarks, Minister of Education, Religious Affairs, and Sports Kyriakos Pierrakakis said, “We are here in Glyfada because the work done by the Mayor and the city in improving school infrastructure is what we want to see across the country through the ‘Marietta Giannakou’ program. We will invest in our schools every year, with more permanent teachers and better school infrastructure. You are our greatest investment for the future.”

Glyfada Mayor George Papanikolaou added, “It’s a great honor to host you here today for our schools’ opening ceremony. We put our heart and soul into the city for our children—first and foremost for the schools and nurseries, but also for the spaces where children play and exercise.”

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