Serbian delegation at NATO PA seminar points out Pristina's terror against Serbs

WARSAW - A Serbian delegation attending the 106th Rose-Roth seminar of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly met with NATO PA Vice President Marcos Perestrello de Vasconcellos of Portugal and the head of the Portuguese delegation to the NATO PA Hugo Oliviera in Warsaw on Tuesday, pointing out the violence and terror Pristina was wreaking on Kosovo-Metohija Serbs on a nearly daily basis to expel them and carry out a policy of ethnic cleansing.

The parties also reviewed opportunities for advancing interparliamentary cooperation and exchanging visits in the period to come, in particular at the level of parliamentary friendship groups, the National Assembly of Serbia said in a statement.

At a meeting with the head of the Italian delegation, Lorenzo Cesa, and members of the delegations of the Italian Senate and House of Representatives, the Serbian representatives expressed...

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