Empty flats are few and old


Whoever harbored high expectations from a scheme to bring more vacant properties onto the market by offering incentives to their owners, as a solution to the housing shortage problem better think again.

A detailed analysis of the data collected by the Hellenic Statistical Authority (ELSTAT) during the recent census estimates there are 793,884 closed properties. Of these, however, only 406,859 are available for rent and another 59,530 are for sale.

They are also scattered all over the country. In Attica, where the main housing problem is located, there are only 255,298 empty houses and of these, only 151,945 are available for rent or sale.

Their location is crucial: At least half are in central Athens. Anyone expecting to find an empty apartment in the northern suburbs should know that they only number 11,150 there. About 15,528 properties are available in the...

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