EU Official Confirms No Funding Shift from Corridor 8 to Corridor 10

A senior EU official in North Macedonia has stated that it is not feasible to reallocate European funding from Corridor 8 to Corridor 10. Steffen Hudolin, who leads the "Cooperation" department at the European Union Delegation in North Macedonia, addressed the issue during a discussion with BNT.

When pressed on which of the two transport corridors receives more European support in the Balkans, Hudolin did not provide a direct response. However, he noted that the European Commission backs the connectivity policies for both Corridor 8, which runs from west to east, and Corridor 10, extending from Hungary through Serbia and North Macedonia to Greece.

Hudolin also addressed the necessary steps for North Macedonia to commence EU accession negotiations, stating that there are established deadlines and requirements to be met. He refrained from commenting on allegations made by Macedonian Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski and Deputy Prime Minister and Transport Minister Aleksandar Nikoloski, who claimed there were attempts to solicit bribes concerning the railway line to Bulgaria.

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