Piraeus Port revenue climbs to record highs in first half of 2024

Piraeus Port Authority SA (OLP) registered a rise in revenues and profits in the first half of 2024, once more achieving the best returns historically for the specific time period.

Total revenues for the first half of the year came to 107.1 million euros compared to €102.4 million in the same period in 2023, an increase of €4.7 million, or 4.6%.

This change is mainly due to the increase in revenues of the car transport sector by 59.9%, the cruise sector by 13.2% and the container sector (Pier I) by 4%.

There was also an increase of 7.3% in profits before tax, which totaled €53 million, compared to €49.4 million in the same period of 2023. After-tax profits totaled €40.4 million compared to €38.7 million, representing a positive change of 4.4% compared to the corresponding half-year of 2023.

OLP Chairman Lin Ji expressed satisfaction with the company's...

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