Ex-PM Samaras slams government over stance on Turkey

[InTime News]

Former prime minister Antonis Samaras accused the government of his New Democracy successor of taking too soft a stance towards Turkey, saying that "when 'calm waters' lead to the silent acceptance of fait accomplis, it always brings great storms."

On the issue of Cyprus talks, the conservative hardliner spoke of "disastrous and unjust solutions" that are being "cooked up" to address the Cyprus issue by advocating a "disguised partition that will be the next step towards full Turkification." He also indicated that such "disastrous and unjust solutions" are being considered for the Aegean as well.

His comments, made in Cyprus on Wednesday night during a ceremony for the Woman of the Year award, underscored mounting divisions within the ruling center-right party in Athens, especially with regard to foreign affairs, and policy towards Turkey in particular.


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