Electricity: Consumers with smart meters will be notified by SMS of an impending increase

Mobile alerts via SMS or Viber will be sent to consumers with smart meters when the price of electricity in the next day’s wholesale market is about to exceed 200 euros a megawatt hour.

In particular, according to a report in Kathimerini, they will be notified from the previous afternoon and for the hours when the price will exceed 150 euros a megawatt hour in order to adjust as far as possible the consumption of electricity.

According to the publication, this is the recommendation of the Energy Regulatory Authority. In the first phase, these benefits will only be available for medium voltage and some low voltage companies with a smart meter.

An obligation is also being introduced for the providers to inform consumers of an impending increase in electricity as the orange tariffs are to be made available in the market in which billing will be based on the price per hour

So far 600,000 smart meters have been installed in the country.

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