Islamists plan to conquer territory "from Spain to China"

Islamists plan to conquer territory "from Spain to China"

The extremist organization Islamic State plans to conquer the Middle East, North Africa, parts of Europe, all in the next five years, claims BBC journalist Andrew Hosken.

ISIS unveils chilling new map of Europe as it plans for world domination by 2020

? Daily Mirror (@DailyMirror) August 9, 2015

Serbia is among the Balkan countries that IS would like to conquer.

A map of these areas has been published in a new book by BBC reporter Andrew Hosken, "Empire of Fear."


- They want to kill the national spirit in many countries and estabih one ultra-sharia law for everyone - says Hosken.


The caliphate - a state where the sharia law is in force - in this map spreads from Spain in the west all the way to China's border in the east. This country appears for the first time in this kind of map, released by Islamic State.


Greece, India and northern Africa are also on the map.


Islamic State also recently released a propaganda video threatening regional countries, and inviting Muslims from the Balkans to either join the organization or launch attacks in the region.


A video recording surfaced in July that marked Serbia as the starting target of Islamic terrorists, that would be followed by other countries in the Balkans - Bosnia, Croatia, Montenegro, Albania, and Macedonia.


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