World business, finance leaders to meet at B-20 in Ankara

Global business leaders will discuss World economy risks and their expectations from the Group of 20 countries at the B-20 Turkey conference between Sept. 3 and 5 in Ankara. 

Finance ministers and the central banks of the member states will seek solutions to the recent economic problems at high-level meetings. 

Rifat Hisarc?kl?o?lu, the head of B-20 Turkey and the president of Turkey's Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges (TOBB), will host the meeting that is planned to gather some 1,000 business people and representatives from the finance world from 60 countries. 

Prime Minister Ahmet Davuto?lu and Deputy Prime Minister Ali Babacan are also scheduled to address the attendees. 

IMF Director Christine Lagarde, Indian Central Bank Governor Raghuram Rajan and his Mexican and Turkish counterparts, Agustin Carstens and Erdem Ba?ç?, will be among the speakers. 

The B-20 is a sideline organization to the G-20, which is headed by Turkey this year. 

At the conference, TOBB chairman Hisarc?kl?o?lu will share the results of the B-20's efforts since December 2014, when he took the seat simultaneously with Turkey's G-20 chair. 

Turkey's presidency will end this year with a high-level global meeting in Antalya, the Turkish coastal province by the Mediterranean Sea.

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