Dombrovskis tells Athens that Greece “has no time to lose” (pics)

European Commission Vice President Valdis Dombrovskis told Greek government’s top finance ministers that Greece “has no time to lose” in carrying out reforms that international creditors have demanded in exchange for bailout funds. Visiting Athens, he said that action needs to be taken immediately so that reforms can bring growth. He said that the activation of funds depends on the actios taken by Greek authorities.

Following his meeting with Economty George Stathakis, he tweeted:

Finance Minister Euclid Tsakalotos said that an honorable compromise is needed on the matter of non-performing loans. The two men also examined the recapitalization of Greek banks and the pension system.

Dobrovskis will be in Athens on Monday and Tuesday to hold a series of meetings with Greek ministers. At noon will will meet with the Parliamentary Committees of European Affairs, Production and Trade as well as Financial Affairs and the Intergroup Delegation of Greek Parliament. He will meet with George Katrougalos at 3.30 p.m. followed by a press conference. Later on Monday, a meeting with Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras has been scheduled at 6.30 p.m. On Tuesday, Dombrovskis is meeting with Governor of the Bank of Greece Yannis Stournaras (9.30 p.m.) followed by Athens Mayor George Kaminis (10.45 p.m.).



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