Interview with Abdel Hamid Amaaoud, mastermind of Paris attacks

Abdel Hamid Abaaoud’s interview with ISIS magazine Dabiq eight months ago focused on the jihadist’s activities in Europe and also focused on Greece.

Dabiq: Why did you choose Belgium?

Thank God, God chose me, Abuz-Zubayr al-Baljiki (Khalid), Abu Khalid al-Baljiki (Sufyan) to go to Europe to terrorize the crusaders who fight the Muslims. As you know, Belgium is one of the crusader coalition members who attacked the Muslims in Iraq and Sham.

Dabiq: Is there another comrade with you?

No, we were alone. Our name is on all the news right now.

Dabiq: What difficulties did you face when going to Belgium?

We met a number of tests during the trip. We spent many months to find its way to Europe, and with the power of God, we finally made it to Belgium. Then we can get the weapons and prepare a safe house while we are planning to conduct operations against the Crusaders. All of this is facilitated to us by God. There is no power and strength except from Him.

Dabiq: How the media infidels get a picture of you as a force in the jihad?

A comrade took some video footage of us before a battle, but the camera was then sold by an apostate to Western journalists. I immediately saw my picture in all the media, but thank God, the unbelievers are blinded by God. I even stopped by an officer to examine me degan compare me with the picture, but he let me go, as if he did not see the resemblance! It is nothing but the gift of God.

Dabiq: What happened on the day of the battle with the Belgian authorities?

Abuz-Zubayr and Abu Khalid (rahimahullah) together at home protection and ready with their weapons and explosives. Infidels invaded the site with more than 150 troops of special forces unit of France and Belgium. After a firefight that lasted 10 minutes, the two sisters blessed martyrdom, that they wanted for a long time. I ask Allah to accept them.

Dabiq: If you are not with them when the raid took place, why you could be a suspect?

Intelligence knew about me before because I had been detained by them. After the attack on the house of protection, they discovered that I never shared both the Brotherhood and that we never planned operation together. Then they gather intelligence agencies from around the world – from Europe and America – to catch me. They detained Muslims in Greece, Spain, France, Belgium for the arrest. Subhan Allah, all those detained no one associated with our plans! May Allah free all Muslims of the Crusader prison.

Dabiq: Tell us about your trip to Sham.

Alhamdulillah, Allah blinded their eyes, and I managed to get out and come to Sham despite being hounded by intelligence agents who very much. All of this proves that a Muslim should not be afraid of the intelligence picture Crusader exaggerated. My name and my picture in all the news but I could live in their country, to plan operations against them, and get out safely if necessary. I ask Allah to accept the good deeds of martyrs’ who terrorized the Crusader States, France, Canada, Australia, Germany, and Belgium.



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