Borusan Quartet

Istanbul Music Festival to mark 100th year of Republic

Taking place between June 1 and 17, the 51st Istanbul Music Festival will host over 60 artists, featuring the world's top orchestras and ensembles such as Mozarteum Orchestra Salzburg, Tekfen Philharmonic, Borusan Istanbul Philharmonic, Camerata Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra, Munich Chamber Orchestra, Borusan Quartet and soloists such as Anne-Sophie Mutter, Barbara Hannigan, Fazıl Say, Arabella

Borusan Sanat presents new online platform

Borusan Sanat enters the New Year with its new online platform,

In addition to concerts performed by Borusan Istanbul Philharmonic Orchestra and Borusan Quartet, the new recordings of the concerts at Borusan Music House will be waiting for music lovers at

The first concert will be shown in the online platform live on Jan 3, 2021 at 11.30 am.