Cypriot government

Ryanair ‘not particularly interested’ in Cyprus Air

LONDON – Ryanair boss Michael O’Leary said on Monday that the airline was not particularly interested in acquiring troubled Cypriot carrier Cyprus Airways, which he said had huge legacy issues.

Ryanair was among nearly 20 companies which last week submitted a non-binding expression of interest in Cyprus Airways, now controlled by the Cypriot government.

Samaras vows to stand by Cyprus in reunification talks

Prime Minister Antonis Samaras has vowed to stand by the Cypriot government in its reunification talks with Turkish-Cypriots after meeting President Nicos Anastasiades in Athens on Monday.

“Greece and Cyprus will continue until the end our peaceful common struggle to overturn the fait accompli of the Turkish occupation,” Samaras said after the talks at the Maximos Mansion.
