European Statistical Office

Bulgaria Is One of the Leaders in the EU in Death Cases Which Could Have Been Prevented

Bulgaria is at the forefront and at the end of two new charts by Eurostat and the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development on premature death in the European Union. This is a published report of the European Statistical Office. These are deaths that have occurred but were preventable.

Bulgaria is the Fourth in Europe in Respect to Price Growth

Inflation in Bulgaria is again gaining momentum in March, and our country ranks fourth in the European Union to raise prices, according to data from the European Statistical Office.

In the third month of the year, prices rose by 2.8 percent over the same period last year. As of February 2019, the consumer basket is 0.2 percent more expensive.

Housing Prices in Bulgaria have been Rising at the Slowest Pace in Three Years

In the last three months of 2018 house prices in Bulgaria rose by 5.5 percent on an annual basis, according to European Statistical Office data published today. This is the slowest pace since the first quarter of 2016 when the reported growth was 4.6 percent.

Goods whose Prices have Risen most in Bulgaria for the Past Two Decades

The cost of living in Bulgaria has risen by over 80% since the beginning of the new millennium. Data from the European Statistical Office (Eurostat) show that between 2000 and 2017 prices grew by 84.6%, placing our country in 5th position in the European Union (EU) by growth.

1/3 of the Farmers in Bulgaria are over 65 Years of Age

Nearly 36 percent of Bulgarian farmers are aged 65 and over, according to Eurostat figures for 2016. Elderly people in this profession are predominant throughout the EU - 32% are over 65. Only 11% of the farmers are under 40 years of age . Here Bulgaria is better than the average for the union - 14%. The least young farmers are in Cyprus - 3.3%, Portugal - 4.2%, the UK - 5.3%.

Bulgaria is Again the Country with the Highest Mortality Rate Across the European Union

Bulgaria is again the country with the highest mortality rate across the European Union. This is according to  the European Statistical Office. According to data for 2015, the mortality rate in Bulgaria was 1660 per 100 000 people. In the EU, the average was 1036 deaths per 100,000.

Eurostat: The Poorest People in Europe are in Northwest Bulgaria

The poorest citizens of Europe live in Northwestern Bulgaria. This was concluded after a survey of the European Statistical Office (Eurostat).

The inhabitants of the Bulgarian region are three times poorer than the average European. At the same time, the richest Europeans live in West London and are six times above the EU average.

Unemployment in the Eurozone is the Lowest Since 9 Years

Unemployment in the eurozone has remained at the lowest levels for the past nine years, аccording to the European Statistical Office (Eurostat) published on Wednesday 31 January.

It is clear that in December 2017 unemployment in the euro area countries was 8.7%, the lowest level since January 2009.

40% of Bulgarians can not Keep Their Homes Warm

39.2% of Bulgarians could not keep their homes warm, according to a Eurostat survey for 2016. By this indicator, the country is in the worst position in the EU because the largest share of its population fails to secure its heating in the cold months of the year. For comparison, on average, 8.7% of citizens in the EU can not afford normal heating.
