French embassy

Terrorist attack against French Embassy in Athens (photos-video)

An attack with an explosive device against the French Embassy, on Vasilisis Avenue, occurred on the morning of Thursday at 5am. According to reports, two individuals riding a motorcycle threw what police believe to be a hand grenade at the main entrance, slightly injuring the officer on guard in his foot.

France warns citizens against going near Russian Consulate in Istanbul

The French Consulate in Istanbul sent a text message to warn its citizens in Turkey to avoid going near the Russian Consulate in Istanbul on Dec. 10, daily Hürriyet has reported. 

Noting that a protest was due to take place in front of the consulate, located on Istanbul's central ?stiklal Avenue, France called on its citizens to avoid the area to be safe. 

Protestors rally to the US Embassy on the 42nd anniversary of the Polytechnic uprising

The customary march marking the anniversary of the 1973 Polytechnic uprising arrived outside the U.S. embassy in Athens on Tuesday, where participants commemorated 42 years since the student revolt by singing the national anthem while holding the Greek flag.
