German intelligence

Is it only Germany that is spying on Turkey?

German Ambassador to Ankara Eberhard Pohl was summoned to the Turkish Foreign Ministry on Aug. 18 following media reports claiming German secret services have been eavesdropping on Turkey for some time. The Turkish Foreign Ministry asked for an explanation from the ambassador and said in a public statement that it would be “grave” if even only part of the media reports were true.

Turkey asks for satisfactory explanation from Germany over wiretapping reports

Any accuracy in reports that Germany has been spying on NATO ally Turkey are “worrying” and would pose “a grave situation” to the relationship between the two nations, the Foreign Ministry said in a strongly-worded statement released Aug. 18.

German Intelligence: Russia Has An Interest In Bulgaria's Bankruptcy

In spite the sanctions, Russia's President Vladimir Putin continues expanding his sphere of influence, concludes an analysis of the German intelligence, published in German media.

According to Suddeutsche Zeitung, quoted by Deutsche Welle, the foreign policy committee in the Bundestag discussed Bulgaria and the Russian interests in the beginning of July. 
