German Intelligence: Russia Has An Interest In Bulgaria's Bankruptcy


In spite the sanctions, Russia's President Vladimir Putin continues expanding his sphere of influence, concludes an analysis of the German intelligence, published in German media.

According to Suddeutsche Zeitung, quoted by Deutsche Welle, the foreign policy committee in the Bundestag discussed Bulgaria and the Russian interests in the beginning of July. 

In his article, the German investigative journalist Hans Leyendecker claims that at the session were invited the head of the German Federal Intelligence Service (BND) Gerhard Schindler and a BND analyst. They discussed the situation in Ukraine, Bulgaria and deliberated on Putin and the oligarchs.

According to Leyendecker, quoting one of the committee members, Schindler said Russia had an interest in the bankruptcy of Bulgaria, so it can reconnect closely with Russia.   

Schindler said, according to the article, that Putin had an interest in weakening the Western democracy principles because in his opinion their individualism was wrong. The BND analysis claims Putin was trying to use the “current weakness of the USA” for his own goals and to impose a new global order, which was supposed to be established by around 2020. Putin was also trying to disunite Europe and to expand his spheres of influence. In Bulgaria and Serbia one could expect new developments.

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