International Labour Organisation

Retirement provision continues to raise dust after passage

Ljubljana – The provision allowing employers to unilaterally terminate workers once they have met formal conditions for retirement, passed within the latest stimulus package in parliament on Tuesday, continues to raise dust as trade unions label it inadmissible and clear abuse of crisis legislation. Employer representatives are meanwhile welcoming it.

Slovenia highlights role of efforts to end violence against women

Ljubljana/Velenje – Ahead of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, observed on Wednesday, Slovenia called for ending violence against women. Human Rights Ombudsman Peter Svetina said that raising awareness about such efforts is key, noting that Covid-19 has led to a rise in domestic violence.

Eurostat: Euro Area Unemployment at 7.4%

In March 2020, the month when COVID-19 containment measures began to be widely introduced by Member States, the euro area seasonally-adjusted unemployment rate was 7.4%, up from 7.3% in February 2020. The EU unemployment rate was 6.6% in March 2020, up from 6.5% in February 2020. These figures are published by Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union.

Editorial: Time for five tech giants to shell out the money

The hour for a great redistribution of wealth has arrived.

The five American technological tech giants - Amazon, Google, Microsoft, Facebook, and Apple should dig deep into their pockets and exhibit palpable solidarity with their global audience.

This is a moral duty because it is that global audience that embraced them, nurtured them, and led to their aggrandisement.

Cartel Alfa urges National Tripartite Council for Social Dialogue be mustered, to cancel social conflicts

The Cartel Alfa National Trade Union Confederation announced that it has demanded for an emergency mustering of the National Tripartite Council of Social Dialogue as a minimal condition with a view to cancel the open social conflicts that might trigger following the adoption of the OUG (Government Emergency Ordinance, ed.

Half a Million Bulgarians Engaged in Undeclared Work

Every year, the gray economy in Bulgaria generates about 30 billion BGn, accounting for 30% of the total economy. The share of Bulgarians who work undeclared work is 16% or 500,000 people. The data are from the World Bank and the International Labour Organisation and were announced by the President of CITUB trade union, Plamen Dimitrov.

Experts Forecast Total Change on the Job Market around 2030

Business predict total change in the labour market by 2030. 85% of the professions will be entirely new, and employers will increasingly rely on machines and robots instead of human labour. The founder of the Software University, Svetlin Nakov, said on 21st of March at a conference on the future of work, organised by the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy.

Stats Show Fewer Workers - and Fewer Jobless - in Croatia

Although recent statistics show Croatia had the biggest annual drop in the unemployment rate in the EU last year, figures also show the number of people in work in Croatia has also declined.

A report published on Tuesday by the EU statistical agency Eurostat said Croatia's unemployment rate fell from 15 per cent in December 2015 to 11.4 per cent in December 2016.

"Job is dead. Long live work"

With over 20 years of experience in business change and technology, organisational development and talent, Perry founded his own enterprise PTHR (People & Transformational HR) in 2012, aiming to transform learning and work by bringing the soul back into our working lives.
