Kfor mission

It started this morning at eight o'clock

For vehicles, a regime with stickers has been established to cover specific parts of license plates.
The convoy of vehicles from the direction from Raska to Leposvic is about two and a half kilometers long, Tanjug reporter on the spot informs.
KFOR soldiers have been deployed in the north of Kosovo and Metohija, and they will stay there for the next two weeks.

Vucic to Russian envoy: We've no reason to trust NATO

The president, and Prime Minister Ana Brnabic, met with the top Russian diplomat in this country on Friday morning, shortly after the Albanian police raid and arrests in the Serb North in Kosovo.

Vucic and Brnabic "thanked Ambassador Chepurin for Russia understands exactly what is happening in Kosovo and Metohija and how threatened peace and stability in the entire region are."
