Macedonian government

CONSEQUENCES OF KUMANOVO ATTACK Macedonian ministers, head of intelligence service resign

CONSEQUENCES OF KUMANOVO ATTACK Macedonian ministers, head of intelligence service resign

Macedonian Interior Minister Gordana Jankulovska, Minister of Transport Mile Janasijeski, and head of the intelligence service Saso Mijalkov have resigned.

Macedonia Police Suppress Anti-Government Protest

Rights groups and NGOs alleged that police used excessive force when they deployed tear gas, water cannon and stun grenades to disperse thousands of angry protesters gathered in front of the government HQ on Tuesday evening.

At least 20 protesters and police officers were injured during the unrest, and several cars were damaged, police said.

Russia sees "lingering conflict potential in Balkans"

Russia sees "lingering conflict potential in Balkans"

MOSCOW -- Russia was "deeply alarmed to learn that in the early hours of April 21 a group of armed men attacked the Macedonian checkpoint of Gosince."

A statement posted on the Russian Foreign Ministry's website explained that the incident happenedd on the Kosovo section of the border between Serbia and Macedonia.

Albanian group claims responsibility for attack on govt. HQ

Albanian group claims responsibility for attack on govt. HQ

A group calling itself the National Liberation Army has claimed responsibility for Saturday's explosion in front of the Macedonian government HQ in Skopje.

This has been reported by the Albanian language, Pristina-based daily Koha Ditore.

Photo: Lady Justice Unveiled in Macedonia Amid Judicial Row

The Modernist facade of Macedonia's justice ministry has received a radical new-old look, in the latest phase of the Classically-inspired revamp of the capital, Skopje.

The north front has received a complete makeover while the ground floor has been expanded at the expense of a pedestrian passage beneath the building.
