Ministry of Finance

Krstic appointed Serbia's governor to EBRD, Vujovic deputy

BELGRADE - On the proposal of the Serbian Ministry of Finance, the Serbian government appointed Minister of Finance Lazar Krstic as Serbia's governor to the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), the Serbian government's website reads.

Minister of Economy Dusan Vujovic was named Serbia's deputy governor to the EBRD at the government's session on Thursday.

Udovicki: Measures of all ministries to be harmonized

BELGRADE - The measures that the new government will be adopting will for the first time follow the mechanism of adjustment of various ministries that should ensure the smooth running of the state, said Kori Udovicki, Serbia's minister of public administration and local self-government and deputy prime minister.

Parliamentary committees approve bills on gov't, ministries

BELGRADE - The Serbian parliamentary committee on the judiciary and the committee on constitutional affairs and legislation approved on Thursday in principle amendments to the laws on government and ministries following a plenary debate that started in the afternoon.

The amendments are a prerequisite for electing the new government.
