National Electoral Council

Ecuador: Presidential Runoff Vote Between Moreno and Lasso on April 2

QUITO, Ecuador - After several days of suspense, the National Electoral Council (CNE) of Ecuador announced that Lenín Moreno of Rafael Correa's left-wing Alianza PAIS coalition failed to win the presidential election outright in the first round by the narrowest of margins and will face Guillermo Lasso in the runoff vote on April 2.

Venezuela: Electoral Authority Says Recall Process Will Finish in 2017

CARACAS, Venezuela - In a development that has angered the opposition, the Venezuelan National Electoral Council (CNE) has announced that the recall process against President Nicolás Maduro will conclude in 2017, meaning that if the recall goes through, new elections will not be held and Maduro's second-in-command will assume the presidency.

Venezuela: Opposition Effort to Recall Maduro Underway

CARACAS, Venezuela – The Venezuelan National Electoral Council (CNE) has opened polling stations across the country and citizens are filing through as the electoral body has opened the first stage of the opposition’s recall effort against President Nicolás Maduro. In the December 2015 election, Maduro’s United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) lost their majority in

Shift in oil-rich Venezuela as opposition wins vote

Venezuela's opposition won control of congress for the first time in 16 years on Dec. 7 as voters punished the socialist government for an economic crisis and insecurity in the oil-rich nation.

President Nicolas Maduro promptly accepted the defeat, a blow to his leadership and the "revolution" of "21st century socialism" launched by his late predecessor Hugo Chavez.
