People ' s Party

2014EP BEC - 4 p.m. partial results: PSD-UNPR-PC Alliance 37.60pct, PNL 15pct, PDL 12.23pct

The PSD-UNPR-PC electoral alliance of the Social Democrat Party (PSD), National Union for Romania's Progress (UNPR) and Conservative Party (PC) has got 37.60 percent of the votes in Sunday's European Parliament elections, the National Liberal Party (PNL) 15 percent and the Democratic Liberal Party (PDL) 12.23 percent, according to partial data released by the Central Electoral Bur

Bulgaria's GERB to Request EPP Deputy Chair Seat - Boyko Borisov

GERB, Bulgaria's opposition which scored a landslide victory in Sunday's European elections, is to demand the office of EPP Deputy Chair.

The move was announced by GERB's leader and former Prime Minister Boyko Borisov at the press conference his party held on Monday following partial results of the vote.

UPDATE 2014EP BEC 2014EP BEC partial results: PSD-UNPR-PC, 37.25%, PNL, 14.86%, PDL, 12.26%

PSD-UNPR-PC (the Social Democratic Party, the National Union for Romania's Progress, the Conservative Party) electoral alliance in the elections to the European Parliament carried out on Sunday obtained 37.25% of the electors' options, the National Liberal Party (PNL), 14.86%, and the Liberal Democratic Party (PDL), 12.36%, according to the partial results the Central Electoral Bu

2014EP PSD-UNPR-PC gets more than 40 percent in European Parliament elections (exit polls)

The electoral alliance of the Social Democrat Party (PSD), National Union for Romania's Progress (UNPR) and Conservative Party (PC) got more than 40 percent of the votes in the European Parliament elections, according to several exit polls released after the voting on Sunday.


Over 18 million voters are expected on Sunday to the polls to designate the 32 representatives of Romania in the European Parliament. The election campaign will end on Saturday at 7:00 a.m., and voters can go the polls on Sunday, from 7:00 a.m. until 09:00 p.m.

Over 50 candidates vying for 8 MP seats in May 25 parliamentary by-elections

The over 50 candidates in the race for eight seats of senators and deputies in the vacated colleges, have tried to convince the electors they deserve their vote in the May 25 Romanian parliamentary by-elections.

The election campaign for the parliamentary by-elections ends at 7 a.m. on Saturday.

EC President Bidders Meet in Last TV Debate

The five EU Commission President candidates clashed Thursday evening in a televised debate in the European Parliament chamber in Brussels.

It was their last meeting ahead of the upcoming European elections next week and also the first in which Greek leftist coalition SYRIZA's leader Alexis Tsipras, the European Left Party nominee, took part.
