Five children allegedly kidnapped by PKK return home: Governor

Five out of 10 children who were allegedly kidnapped by members of the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) have returned to their homes in the eastern province of Muş, the governor said Sept. 9.

It was claimed that 10 children, including a girl, aged between 11 and 20, were kidnapped by members of the PKK in the village of Çataklı in Bulanık district on Sept. 7.

One killed in clashes during operation to remove controversial statue of PKK founder

One person was killed and two were wounded in clashes that erupted between protesters and security forces during an operation to remove a statue of Mahsum Korkmaz, one of the founders of the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) in the southeastern province of Diyarbakır on Aug. 19.

Clashes between PKK members and security forces end after two days in southeastern Turkey

The clashes that had erupted between members of the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) and security forces in southeastern province of Diyarbakır have ended after a two day skirmish.

The attack began when the PKK blocked a main road in the region.
