Polish parliament

"It's painful to see Zelensky..."

As he said, this will be the priority of the government, because it is in the interest of the free world.
Tusk said that it is painful for him to hear how Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has to continue trying to convince world leaders of the need to continue supporting Ukraine's fight against Russian aggression, AP reported.

Thousands took to the streets - "stop torture": This is a hybrid war VIDEO / PHOTO

Several thousand people protested under the slogan "Stop torture at the border".
The protesters accused the Polish authorities of cruel behavior due to pushing migrants back and the introduction of a state of emergency at the border, which prevents human rights activists and humanitarian organizations from helping migrants.

Poland’s Replacement for Istanbul Convention Would Ban Abortion and Gay Marriage

In the letter - leaked to BIRN and published below in its entirety for the first time - that was sent last year to at least four governments in the region (Croatia, Czechia, Slovakia and Slovenia), the Polish Justice Ministry sets out its vision over five pages for an alternative to the Council of Europe Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence Against Women and Domestic Violence, to giv

DefMin Fifor: NATO Eastern flank's states share same concerns, from risks, threats' view

The states on the NATO Eastern flank share several same and particular concerns, from the view of perceiving risks and threats to security, on Tuesday said the Defence Minister Mihai Fifor, in the opening of the Defence ministers' reunion with the countries participating in "Bucharest 9 Initiative" (B9).
