Provincial Special Administration

Historical city in Gümü?hane facing landslide threat

The old Gümü?hane neighborhood and its historical artifacts are facing the threat of a landslide caused by the Green Road project in the Black SeaThe historical Süleymaniye neighborhood, also known as old Gümü?hane, in the Black Sea region where Greeks, Armenians and Turks used to live together in the past is being threatened by a landslide which could wipe out its centuries-old artifacts, incl

Traces of ancient civilization to be searched in Ad?yaman

Excavation activities at the archaeological site in the ancient city of Perge, which was one of the centers of the Kommagene civilization, will soon commence with the aim of opening up the site for tourism. Excavations will begin soon in the ancient city, located in the southeastern province of Ad?yaman, five kilometers away from the city center.