Historical city in Gümü?hane facing landslide threat

The old Gümü?hane neighborhood and its historical artifacts are facing the threat of a landslide caused by the Green Road project in the Black SeaThe historical Süleymaniye neighborhood, also known as old Gümü?hane, in the Black Sea region where Greeks, Armenians and Turks used to live together in the past is being threatened by a landslide which could wipe out its centuries-old artifacts, including mosques, baths, churches and an Ottoman bazaar. The area has already been damaged by one landslide caused by roadwork for the controversial Green Road project and environmentalists fear more damage. 

The Süleymaniye neighborhood, which has rich tourism potential, was declared a natural and urban archaeological area in 2002. Dating back to 3,000 B.C. and known for its silver mines, it was a city where Armenians, Greeks and Turks lived together in the Ottoman era. 

The city's Armenians migrated before 1915 and the Greeks left the city with the population exchange in 1923. After 1950, Turkish families moved five kilometers away to Gümü?hane and the city was completely abandoned. 

A reconstruction plan for the area was made in 2006 but the plan considered only the architectural structures on the ground, while the centuries-old city needed archaeological excavations. 

A revised plan was implemented which included a ski center to be constructed in the historical city and a three-meter road, which was constructed in 1980, was to be extended to seven meters within the scope of the plan and combined with the controversial Green Road project, planned to connect highland areas in the Black Sea region.  However, during the roadwork carried out by the Gümü?hane Provincial Special Administration, a section of the slope collapsed, resulting...

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