
Historical city in Gümü?hane facing landslide threat

The old Gümü?hane neighborhood and its historical artifacts are facing the threat of a landslide caused by the Green Road project in the Black SeaThe historical Süleymaniye neighborhood, also known as old Gümü?hane, in the Black Sea region where Greeks, Armenians and Turks used to live together in the past is being threatened by a landslide which could wipe out its centuries-old artifacts, incl

Secret of ?znik tiles in kilns

The secret of coralline and turquoise colors in ?znik?s famous tiles has yet to be discovered, but works have started on historical kilns aimed at researching their origin This year?s archaeological excavations have started in the 600-year-old kilns found in the town of ?znik in the northwestern province of Bursa.