Romanian parliament
The authorities estimate they will obtain over 300 million euro through the selling of 51 percent of the Electrica stock during the initial public listing that will start on June 16, said, on Tuesday, the head of the Directorate for Privatization of the Energy Department Gabriel Dumitrascu, during a conference on the topic of energy.
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Over 50 candidates vying for 8 MP seats in May 25 parliamentary by-elections
The over 50 candidates in the race for eight seats of senators and deputies in the vacated colleges, have tried to convince the electors they deserve their vote in the May 25 Romanian parliamentary by-elections.
The election campaign for the parliamentary by-elections ends at 7 a.m. on Saturday.
Romania Takes Fresh Look at Closed Mines
A new mining law being considered Romania will allow for the reopening of some of 550 mines closed over the past years for economic reasons and because they relied on outdated technology.
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