
The Malagana Treasure was discovered in 1992 & 4 tons of artifacts were looted in a matter of days…

Malagana, also known as the Malagana Treasure is an archaeological site of Colombia named after the sugarcane estate where it was accidentally discovered in 1992. During a few days after its discovery, the place was subject to a large-scale looting with a rough estimate of 4 tons of pre-Columbian artifacts illegally removed from the burial mounds.

New dinosaur fossil so well-preserved it looks like a statue

Before being assembled into something recognizable at a museum, most dinosaur fossils look to the casual observer like nothing more than common rocks. No one, however, would confuse the over 110 million-year-old nodosaur fossil for a stone.

The fossil, being unveiled today in Canada’s Royal Tyrrell Museum of Paleontology, is so well preserved it looks like a statue.

Carl Sagan explains how the ancient Greeks figured out the Earth isn’t flat, over 2,000 years ago

The denial of science has entered the highest levels of government, and no matter what the data says, the U.S. promises to cease all efforts to curtail, or even study, climate change. Astrophysicist Katie Mack calls this retrenchment a form of “data nihilism,” writing in an exasperated tweet, “What is science? How can a thing be known?

LIVE: Doğan Group holds panel in US against Islamophobia

Turkey's Doğan Group is holding a panel in Washington in a bid to globally fight against the fallacies and prejudices directed toward Islam.

The panel titled "Islamophobia: Overcoming Myths and Engaging in a Better Conversation" in cooperation with the U.S.-based Atlantic Council think tank and the Smithsonian Institution began at 11:00 a.m.

Doğan Group to hold two international events in US against Islamophobia

Turkey's Doğan Group will hold two international events on Oct. 20 in Washington in a bid to globally fight against the fallacies and prejudices directed toward Islam.

A panel titled "Islamophobia: Overcoming Myths and Engaging in a Better Conversation" will be organized in cooperation with the U.S.-based Atlantic Council think tank and the Smithsonian Institution.

A mesmerizing look at how human faces have changed through time (vid)

If you think your own face has changed through the years, look at this mind-numbing 90-second time lapse video that shows millions of years worth of evolution. Watch paleoartist John Gurche’s vision of his own direct ancestry in under 2 minutes. Learn how he draws on fossil discoveries and forensic techniques to create transfixing reconstructions of long-lost human ancestors.
