Spain's Constitutional Court

Euthanasia Finally Legalized in Spain, Religious Community Protest

Lawmakers in Spain have voted to legalize euthanasia and assisted suicide, making it only the fifth country globally to make the practice legal after the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg and Canada.

The law will come into force in three months' time after the landmark vote passed in the lower house of the Spanish parliament by 202 votes to 141, with two abstentions.

Spain's Constitutional Court cancels Catalan declaration

Spain's Constitutional Court has blocked Catalonia's declaration of independence, the Spanish daily El Mundo reported on Tuesday.

The Constitutional Court warned members of the permanent parliamentary office in Catalonia, including the sacked speaker of the Catalan parliament Carme Forcadell, to suspend any initiative that involves implementation of the declaration, the paper said.

Spain's Constitutional Court cancels Catalan declaration

Spain's Constitutional Court has blocked Catalonia’s declaration of independence, the Spanish daily El Mundo reported on Tuesday.

The Constitutional Court warned members of the permanent parliamentary office in Catalonia, including the sacked speaker of the Catalan parliament Carme Forcadell, to suspend any initiative that involves implementation of the declaration, the paper said.

Spain: Constitutional Court Orders Suspension of Catalonia Parliament

Spain's Constitutional Court has ordered the suspension of a Catalonian special parliamentary session next week, during which regional leaders plan to vote to break away from Spain.

A spokeswoman for the court said judges "ordered the suspension of the plenary that has been called for Monday in the [Catalan] parliament" as the constitutional court hears appeals against it.

Catalonia Referendum: Spanish Raid on Unipost Deals Blow to Vote

Spanish police have discovered a mass of documents directly related to a banned Catalan independence referendum scheduled for 1 October, reported BBC. 

Early on Tuesday, the Guardia Civil arrived at offices of Spain's biggest private delivery company, Unipost, in the Catalan city of Terrassa.
