State Prosecutorial Council

Serbia Ruling Party Official Sentenced for Arson Attack on Journalist’s House

Dragoljub Simonovic, the former president of the Belgrade municipality of Grocka and a member of the ruling Serbian Progressive Party, SNS, has been sentenced to five years in prison for inciting other persons to jeopardize the life of journalist Milan Jovanovic.

Serbia has not implemented any of recommendations - CoE

Tanjug is reporting this on Tuesday, citing Council of Europe's anti-corruption body.

Serbia has not implemented in a satisfactory manner any of the thirteen recommendations provided by the Council of Europe's anti-corruption body GRECO (Group of States against Corruption) to the country in July 2015, states a new compliance report published on Thursday.

Serbian MPs Quarrel Over New Prosecutors

After several hours of debate in the Serbian National Assembly on Monday, 139 of the 169 MPs present voted for lawyer Mladen Nenadic as the new chief prosecutor for organised crime.

But the Assembly failed to elect a new chief prosecutor for war crimes because none of the five candidates attracted the required majority of 126 votes.

Selakovic, Frattini on Chapter 23

BELGRADE - Serbian Justice Minister Nikola Selakovic and special advisor to the government of Serbia Franco Frattini conferred Tuesday on the results achieved by the Justice Ministry so far and on preparations for the start of negotiations on Chapter 23, relating to judiciary and fundamental rights, the Ministry stated in a release.