Statistical Service of Cyprus

CyStat reports 6% drop in issued building permits

The number of building permits issued in Cyprus in the first 11 months of 2023 dropped by almost 6% year-on-year, the Statistical Service of Cyprus (CyStat) reported on Friday, with the area and value registering annual gains, driven by the increased prices in construction materials, as well as increased interest in apartment blocks.

ICT is Cypriot GDP champion

The information and communication technology sector is the undisputed champion of growth in Cyprus, as revealed by GDP data published by the Statistical Service of Cyprus (CyStat), highlighting the momentum of the sector as a component of the Cypriot GDP.

Major drop in Cypriot joblessness

The latest data released by Cyprus' District Labor Offices indicate a notable decline in registered unemployment rates for November, both on a monthly and on a yearly basis.

According to the Statistical Service of Cyprus (CyStat), comparing the current statistics to November 2022, there was a substantial decrease of 2,647 persons, or 17.3%, based on seasonally adjusted data.

Registered unemployed in Cyprus decline by 11.4%

The number of registered unemployed decreased in August 2023, both on an annual and monthly basis, according to data released on Tuesday by the Statistical Service of Cyprus (CyStat).

Based on seasonally adjusted data, which reflect the unemployment trend, a decrease of 1,705 individuals or 11.4% was recorded compared to August 2022.

Strong Q1 for Cyprus’ economy

The Cypriot economy maintained strong momentum in the first quarter of 2023 with real GDP registering an annual growth rate of 3.4%, marking signs of a slowdown against the backdrop of the uncertain external environment and the restrictive monetary policy by the European Central Bank in a bid to wrestle inflation under control.
