Trump administration

Trump’s former strategist Bannon: Turkey is more dangerous than Iran!


Steve Bannon, the executive chairman of Breitbart and former chief strategist of the Trump administration, has said Turkey is the biggest danger for the US, Asharq Al-Avsat reported. “Turkey is the biggest danger for us [the US]! … No, not even close to [its neighbor] Iran…” said Bannon.

Nicaragua Signs Paris Climate Deal, Leaving US, Syria as Only Countries Out

Nicaragua has officially signed on to the Paris climate change agreement, leaving the United States and Syria as the only two countries not supporting the accord, The Hill reports.

The Guardian reported Monday that the Nicaraguan government presented the relevant documents for the agreement at the United Nations.

Erdogan is bullying America – Trump should do something

Authoritarian governments around the world have increasingly embraced the disgraceful tactic of arresting U.S. citizens and holding them as de facto hostages in an attempt to gain leverage over Washington. Iran and North Korea were pioneering practitioners — and both repeatedly extracted U.S. concessions. That probably encouraged other nations, including Egypt and Venezuela.
