Trump administration

Finance Ministers of The G-7 Countries To Hold Their Last Meeting Today

On Saturday, the Finance Ministers of the G-7 countries, which are Canada, France, Germany, Japan, Italy, the United States and U.K., are going to discuss how to make growth more inclusive, how to illicit money flows, and how to fight tax evasion, reported ABC News, according to Focus News Agency.

Turkey, US at crossroads

Turkey and the United States have once again come at a crossroads in their troubled-allied relationship. The opposing security perceptions and interests of Ankara and Washington landed the two countries on a very difficult and challenging decision time. The question is indeed rather simple; has the U.S.

Eurozone outlook raises despite 'high uncertainty'

The EU raised on May 11 its eurozone growth forecast, saying the recovery was gaining strength despite the elevated uncertainties of Brexit and the protectionist policies of U.S. President Donald Trump.

The forecast said the positive outlook came in large part thanks to an improving global economy, with the United States and China helping lift Europe.

Trump to tell Turkey: We’re going to take Raqqa with the Kurds

The Trump administration is ready to press ahead with a U.S.-backed military offensive to evict the Islamic State from its last remaining urban stronghold in the Syrian city of Raqqa over strong objections from Turkey.

President Donald Trump is expected to inform his Turkish counterpart, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, of the U.S. plans when he visits the White House later this month.

Fed set to leave interest rates unchanged, may hint at June hike

The U.S. Federal Reserve is expected to hold interest rates steady at its meeting this week as it pauses to parse more economic data but may hint it is on track for an increase in June.

The Central Bank is scheduled to release its policy decision at 2 p.m. EDT (18:00 GMT) on May 3 at the conclusion of its two-day meeting. Fed Chair Janet Yellen is not due to hold a press conference.

Turkey eyes new ties with US under Trump leadership: President Erdoğan

Turkey is eyeing new ties with the United States under the administration of President Donald Trump, demanding a strong stance on the Kurdish Peoples' Protection Units (YPG) and the extradition of U.S.-based Islamic preacher Fethullah Gülen, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has said.
