Trump administration

Europe's fate

At a political rally in Munich on May 28, German Chancellor Angela Merkel said the days when Europe could completely count on others were over, in the wake of last week's bruising NATO and G-7 meetings. Instead, she said, the time has come for Europe to take its fate into its own hands. 

How to lose US public opinion in 10 minutes?

In the same hours President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan was walking out of a relatively positive sit-down with EU leaders Donald Tusk and Jean-Claude Juncker in Brussels, a harsh resolution to condemn the violence of Erdoğan's security personnel against protestors last week in Washington was voted in at the Foreign Affairs Committee of the U.S. House of Representatives.

U.S. Military plans test of missile intercept system with N. Korea in mind

Preparing for North Korea’s growing threat, the Pentagon will try to shoot down an intercontinental-range missile for the first time in a test next week. The goal is to more closely simulate a North Korean ICBM aimed at the U.S. homeland, officials said Friday

CNBC: Bitcoin is mandatory for portfolio protection

Last week, CNBC reported that investors should be looking into two assets to avoid US economic uncertainty and financial instability: overseas equities and digital gold Bitcoin.

At CNBC’s Trading Nation, Boris Schlossberg of BK Asset Management emphasized the importance of maintaining Bitcoin in a portfolio as a mandatory asset to hedge against an inevitable global economic struggle.

No evidence of Trump-Russia collusion but ‘Abundant Evidence’ of questionable Clinton, Obama Russian activities

On Wednesday’s Breitbart News Daily, SiriusXM host Raheem Kassam talked with Center for Security Policy President Frank Gaffney about the testimony of former CIA Director John Brennan on Tuesday to the House Intelligence Committee about Russian interference in the 2016 election.

President Erdoğan and his new team

The Foreign Ministry's seasoned diplomats did warn the government prior to the U.S. presidential elections that a possible Trump administration did not promise a rose garden. But some of the advisers and some with access to the presidential palace argued otherwise. They were extremely enthusiastic about the prospects of a White House with Donald Trump.
