Trump administration

Scientists: Carbon dioxide must be removed from the atmosphere to avoid extreme climate change

Humans must start removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere as soon as possible to avoid saddling future generations with a choice between extreme climate change or spending hundreds of trillions of dollars to avoid it, according to new research.

Fed's Yellen says economy steady enough for more hikes, bond wind down

The United States is healthy enough to absorb further gradual rate increases and the slow wind down of the massive bond portfolio accumulated by the Federal Reserve during the financial crisis, Fed Chair Janet Yellen said in prepared testimony to be delivered to Congress early on July 12.

What Comes After ISIS?

The Islamic State stands on the brink of a twin defeat. Mosul, the largest city under its control, has almost entirely fallen from its grasp, and Kurdish-led forces are advancing into its de facto capital of Raqqa.

Mapped: The countries with the World’s most dangerous missiles (interactive map)


What’s more dangerous than a nuclear warhead? An ultra-long-range missile capable of delivering that nuclear warhead to distant shores.

And now, that’s exactly what North Korea’s rogue communist regime has, making it the seventh country in the world to develop intercontinental ballistic missiles, or ICBMs.
