University of Belgrade

Patriarch Kirill: Russia, Serbia strongly connected

BELGRADE - Russia and Serbia are connected by history and religion, Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia said during a meeting with Serbian President Tomislav Nikolic on Friday.

Patriarch Kirill, who is on a three-day visit to Serbia, said that Russia has always been with the Serbian nation, in joy and in sadness.

Nikolic: Follow example of Stefan Nemanja's wise policy

BELGRADE - Stefan Nemanja, the founder of the Nemanjic dynasty, represents a beacon for new generations that defines the direction for preserving the Serbian state, Serbian President Tomislav Nikolic said at an international conference marking a great anniversary - 900 years since the birth of the creator of a strong medieval Serbian state.

Discussion on cooperation between Serbia,Argentina capitals

BELGRADE - Belgrade Mayor Sinisa Mali and Argentine Ambassador to Serbia Ricardo Fernandez discussed establishment of cooperation between the Serbian capital and Buenos Aires.

During the meeting, Mali presented plans for development of Belgrade and Ambassador Fernandez showed great interest in them, the City Administration said in a release on Wednesday.

Belgrade has largest homeless population in Serbia

Belgrade has largest homeless population in Serbia

BELGRADE -- Belgrade has the largest population of homeless people in Serbia, a news conference heard on Firday during the presentation of "The Homeless" publication.

The homeless are mostly men aged 55 to 59 with little education, who are either jobless or do low-paid jobs that require no qualifications.
