University of Economics

Guide to Computer Science: In-demand Schools, Hidden Gems, and Top Departments

“Education or Career?” is the pivotal question that applicants must address before commencing the application process, beginning today or tomorrow and closing on July 18. An essential aspect in deciding on a university program lies in meticulously reviewing the Study Guide and evaluating the courses available.

University security apparently lost in translation

Only four of the country's 25 universities have security plans recognized by the Citizen Protection Ministry and, as recent developments have shown, even these have yet to be implemented. Plans have been drafted by the universities of Patra and Thessaloniki, along with Athens' National Technical University and University of Economics. 

A Greek woman at the helm of the International Association of Information Systems

The election of Professor Nancy Pouloudi as President of the International Association of Information Systems is of great value for the Greek scientific community and the Athens University of Economics and Business. Ms. Pouloudi is Chair of the Department of Management Science and Technology at the University of Economics and Business.

Turkish cuisine leaves lower carbon footprint: Study

Turkish cuisine causes far less greenhouse gas emissions compared to Italian cuisine, according to a one-year-long study.

The İzmir University of Economics conducted a study to calculate the carbon footprint of food consumption in Turkey.

Fehmi Görkem Üçtuğ, the lead researcher, picked regular vegetarian and vegan menus consisting of the most preferred foods.

Students acquitted over Athens university clashes

A three-member misdemeanors court in Athens acquitted on Monday two university students accused of taking part in clashes between protesters and riot police in the yard of a prominent Athens university last November.

The judges adopted the prosecutor's recommendation and ruled unanimously that there was no evidence the two accused had taken part in the scuffle.

Six Senior Public Officials Investigated over Conflict of Interest

By decisions adopted at a meeting today, the Commission for Combating Corruption and Forfeiture of Illegally Acquired Property has initiated proceedings for establishing a conflict of interest with respect to six senior public officials under Art. 6 para. 1 of the anti-corruption law, said the Commission's press office quoted by Focus News Agency. These persons are:

Teodora Petkova is the New Head of UniCredit Bulbank

Teodora Petkova is the new Chairperson of the Management Board and CEO of UniCredit Bulbank, the bank said on May 2. She will replace Levon Hampartzoumian who left the post at the end of April after successful completion of his term in office, reports BNT.

The appointment of Teodora Petkova is subject to entry in the Commercial Register, the bank announced.
