Achilles Zisis

All eyes on the Middle East

As fears of a wider Middle East conflict escalate, Athens and Nicosia are closely monitoring developments in the region, with authorities on heightened alert.

Further destabilization is expected to increase migration flows, as well as uncertainty in energy supplies and impacts on supply chains.

Supreme Court report finds no link between EYP, Predator surveillance

The 300-page report by the deputy prosecutor of the Supreme Court, Achilles Zisis, has only assigned criminal responsibility for the extensive wiretapping of phone conversations of various people including politicians and journalists to the companies that had the illegal Predator software, and not the National Security Service (EYP) or any other government agency (the Hellenic Police [ELAS] or

Hypocrisy to the nth degree

The Supreme Court prosecutor's recent announcement about the findings of an investigation into the wiretapping affair by a deputy prosecutor of the court, Achilles Zisis, disappointed all of us, ordinary citizens and legal experts alike, who want to believe in the integrity of the Greek justice system.