Alexis Papachelas

Paying no heed to society

By Alexis Papachelas

Before society drowns in tawdry videos, let us cast our minds back to the political machinations and the rationale that has developed over the past couple of years, from the inauspicious emergence of Golden Dawn as a political force to the shocking revelation of this week’s video, which was illegally recorded and broadcast.

Shifting geopolitics

By Alexis Papachelas

The developments in Ukraine have given rise to a very interesting discussion over whether we are on the cusp of a major events that will affect global geopolitics. Some believe that we will return to the bipolar state of the Cold War, while others say that Russia is simply not powerful enough to form a rival pole to the West.

Worlds apart

By Alexis Papachelas

Many pundits like to draw parallels between SYRIZA chief Alexis Tsipras and the late PASOK leader Andreas Papandreou. The assumption is that should Tsipras come to power, he would turn into a more systemic, adaptive politician.
