Andreas Apostolopoulos
Gerovassili: No disciplinary action against police chief over rally attendance
Citizens' Protection Minister Olga Gerovassili said she will not seek disciplinary action against Greek Police ELAS chief Aristeidis Andrikopoulos over his presence at ruling SYRIZA's final campaign rally, led by Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras, in central Athens last week.
ELAS, coast guard heads play down presence at rallies
The leadership of the Greek Police (ELAS) on Tuesday sought to play down the presence of ELAS chief Aristeidis Andrikopoulos, the official in charge of the force's operations in southern Greece, Christos Dragatakis, and the head of the Hellenic Coast Guard at SYRIZA's final campaign rally, led by Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras, in Syntagma Square last Friday.